A London landlord was struggling to rent their rundown flat due to its tired appearance, general wear and tear, and numerous damages from almost ten years of tenancy.
The property’s poor condition, paired with the competition of a new neighbouring development, called for renovation services and new furniture and furnishings to make it rentable.
Refurbishment works included painting and wallpapering, retrofitting, carpet & floor fitting, partial tile replacement, regrouting cleaning and re-equipping.
A gold furniture pack was used to differentiate the flat in a competitive market and area. Accessories were used to add a homely feel many tenants look for.
We made a real visual and quantifiable difference to this North-London property in a short time frame for a far lower cost than the landlord had envisioned. The flat received an instant rental offer of £70 per month more than the flat has previously rented.
We used our quick-fix, maintenance and refresh services to restore the flat to its former glory, performing only necessary works to ensure the greatest return.
– Amar Tufail, Business Development Manager at InStyle Direct
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