We increased this Portfolio Landlord’s Notting Hill Gate property from £1,200 to £2,200.
An impressive increase was made possible by combining a furniture package with our decorating and refurbishment services.
We utilised and built on the property’s existing strengths to reveal its potential.
– Amar Tufail, Business Development Manager at InStyle Direct
See below the crucial changes that were performed to secure the landlord an almost doubled rent.
- Maximised the property’s generous square footage by removing the small, unused rooms to reveal a brand new open-plan layout that facilitated a large kitchen, office and entrance area.
- Exposed the original high ceilings by removing the false 1-metre ceiling. This allowed more natural light through the original full-height stucco statement windows, provided more vertical space and made for a show-stopping entry.
- Styled with thoughtful furnishings and accessories that appealed to the target market. This was confirmed by the multiple viewers who placed offers and commented on the property’s quirk.
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